QB207 用腦習慣評估 Quiwa.Net 637883518124582871 Analysis 637883577725321875 Public 右腦主掌圖像、音樂、直覺、靈感等功能,偏向人類的感性面與創造面;而左腦主掌語言、寫作、演算、邏輯等功能,偏向人類的理性面與分析面。 你喜歡使用大腦的哪一側?就自由想像、激發創意等則屬於右腦的功能;而企劃力而言,蒐集資料、解決問題等是屬於左腦的功能。 想協助了解自己用腦的習慣,幫助強化自己的優勢? 此問卷沒有“正確”或“錯誤”的答案。與其說是測試,不如說是一種自我評估。不要多次閱讀這些問題。不要過度分析。 Question Count 16 Analysis type 3 Answer time 2.4 (Mins) Start Analysis Share more answers 獲取其他面向解析 酷蛙(Quiwa)是網路最受歡迎的測評網站,針對個人(B2C)及企業(B2B)提供多元化性格評量相關服務與方案,以及整合AI提供進階的性格解析,歡迎進一步了解。 Community AboutFriends DiscoverRelationships Communication always involves many intricate relationships. Through interactive analysis via tests, many long-standing issues can also be resolved. Get Started personality AboutYou DiscoverSelf Traits By taking a personality test, you can understand the various aspects of your personality. Enrich your hard skills with the innate soft skills. Get Started career AboutWork Career AspirationsNavigation Analyze the aspects of your professional personality to gain helpful insights for career development. Get Started assistant AboutCompanion AboutImagination Based on self-talk answers, AI analysis can more accurately reflect an individual's true personality traits. Help you understand yourself more quickly and comprehensively. Get Started solution Team 團隊性格體檢佈局理想團隊樣貌 部門團隊性格決定自成員特質組成。 硬實力可以透過訓練與經驗累積, 性格特質才是未來發展的關鍵。 方案介紹 solution Recruit 人才競爭世代精準聚焦目標人才 面對招募管道多元及人才競爭, 不理想的面試者,費時且增加無形成本。 透過評量有效篩選求職者,取得選才先機。 方案介紹 solution Performance 行為表現追蹤推動團隊職能發展 好的人才需要好的管理,才能發揮團隊績效。 定期追蹤行為表現,確保成員如期發揮。 審視團隊組成缺口,擬定因應對策。 方案介紹 explore FindMore ExpectNew Answers Whether you discovered it accidentally or heard about it. Take a look and you might get the answer you want. Search More Quiwa's Online Quiz 637883577725321875